This article will describe the development of Section XI from a pamphlet-sized document to the lengthy and complex set of requirements, interpretations, and Code Cases that it has become by the year 2000. Section XI began as a set of rules for inservice inspection of the primary pressure boundary system of nuclear power plants. It has evolved to include other aspects of maintaining the structural integrity of safety class pressure boundaries. These include procedures for component repair/replacement activities, analysis of revised and new plant operating conditions, and specialized provisions for nondestructive examination of components and piping. It has also increased in scope to cover other Section III construction: Class 2, Class 3 and containment structures. First, to provide a context for the discussions to follow, the differences in administration and enforcement between Section XI and the other Code Sections will be explained, including its dependence on the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The importance of interpretations and Code Cases then will be discussed. The development of general requirements and requirements for each class of structure will be traced. The movement of Section XI toward a new philosophy, risk-informed inspection, will also be discussed. Finally, an annotated bibliography of papers describing the philosophy and technical basis behind Section XI will be provided. [S0094-9930(00)01703-0]

Adamonis, D. C., and Hughes, E. T., 1979, “Ultrasonic Evaluation and Sectioning of PVRC Flat Weld Specimen 201,” Weld. Res. Counc. Bull., 252, Sept.
Buchanan, R. A., and Hedden, O. F., 1980, “Analysis of the Ultrasonic Examinations of PVRC Weld Specimens 155, 202 and 203 by Standard and Two-Point Coincidence Methods,” Weld. Res. Counc. Bull., 257, Feb.
Bush, S. H., 1983, “Reliability of Nondestructive Examination,” Chap. 3–5, NUREG CR3110, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
PISC-II Report No. 5, 1986, Evaluation of the PISC-II trials results, Programme for the Inspection of Steel Components, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, CSNI No. 121, Sept.
WRC Bulletin 343, 1989, Destructive Examination of PVRC Weld Specimens 202, 203 and 251J, Welding Research Council, May.
C. D.
, and
O. F.
, “
Overview of the ASME Section XI Code Relating to NDE and Ultrasonic Examination Performance Demonstration
ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol.
, pp.
Maccary, R. R., 1980, EPRI NP-1406-SR, Nondestructive Examination Acceptance Standards Technical Basis and Development for ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Division 1, Special Report, May.
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